Tuesday, August 19, 2008

1st Impressions pt.2/Mrs. Green

I told you specifically to stay after school and you left anyway” snarled Mrs. Green from behind the door. I’m thinking this woman is crazy! Clearly, she has to be insane. What is wrong with this woman? Is there a quota for the kids she has to keep after school? Is there a contest for who can get the most kids in trouble after school? “Please leave.” “My parents said I can’t talk to strangers and you sound really strange to me”, I yelled, hoping this would cause her to get scared and leave. My brother, Bay, just shook his head as if to say “You’re stupid”. She continued on her tirade. “Moiba I don’t think this is funny at all. I will just wait until your parents arrive”. Now she was going to far. It’ll look worse if she’s here when my parents get home. I asked her” Are you sure you’re Mrs. Green”. She replied back, “ That’s the name on the paddle in my office, which you’ll soon see”.. Now she was just toying with me. I panicked and opened the door. She told me and my brother to get in the car. At this point I was hoping she really wasn’t Mrs. Green and that she was gonna kidnap me and my brother and sell us on the black market in China or Russia. Anything would be better than the Joe Jackson whooping I was gonna get from my parents when I got home. (If Joe hadn’t beat Micheal, we would’ve never got “Thriller”. Can ya dig it?) I digress. Mrs. Green scolded me all the way to her house, which was up the street from the school. She called my parents. The only thing worse than a beating is, the anticipation of a beating. My parents picked me up and lets just say that Micheal Jackson’s “Beat It” would’ve been the theme song for that cold, cold night in the Mustapha house. Now without Mrs. Green, you guys wouldn’t get these stories. So thank you Mrs. Green, for pushing me to write, kidnapping me, and whooping me. I guess it really was Mrs. Green after all, atleast that’s what her paddle said the next day.

1 comment:

ART said...

IM A FAN!! dude imma need you to write more